When educators learn how the brain works, their practices transform.

When's the last time you had PD that actually changed the way you felt about teaching and learning?  Check out the six SACRED principles of brain-based learning to get started!

What is the SACRED Framework?

The SACRED Framework is a collection of educational neuroscience concepts that have been distilled into the six principles represented by the acronym SACRED.  Those principles are: Safety, Attention, Connection, Retrieval, Executive function, and Differentiation.  

Educators can access modern brain-based understandings of teaching and learning in a memorable format with practical applications and transformational potential.

Teachers report thinking differently about their students, the composition of their lessons, and their overarching philosophy of teaching.  (When's the last time you participated in professional development that had that kind of an effect on you?)  In that sense, neuroscience offers educators something precious, rare, and powerful: not just a new strategy to deploy, but a lens through which new and effective strategies might be analyze, understood, and developed.

Pizza, Pedagogy, and the Brain

Pizza, Pedagogy, and the Brain: The SACRED Framework for Teaching and Learning walks readers through the six SACRED principles by analogizing highly effective brain-based teaching with pizza-making.

Purchase your copy of Pizza, Pedagogy, and the Brain: The Sacred Framework for Teaching and Learning here, or receive a complimentary copy when you dive into the SACRED Framework's online PD!

Professional Development

Select the professional learning option that meets you where are you are!  (To pay with a PO, click here!)


New to the SACRED Framework? Start here with a five-minute crash course, 100% free!


  • Working time 24/7 all days
  • Free Tea & Coffee
  • Max 15 team members
  • Superfast wifi
  • Free Kitchen

Ready to learn more? The Basics offers an hour-long seminar packed with brain-based pedagogy you'll love.



  • Working time 24/7 all days
  • Free Tea & Coffee
  • Max 15 team members
  • Superfast wifi
  • Free Kitchen
The Total PackagE

The best way to train every teacher in your school in the six SACRED principles of brain-based learning!



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